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Confirmed: Michael Jackson Is Dead

UPDATE: LA Times, CBS and CNN all confirm that Michael Jackson has died.Michael Jackson is reportedly in the hospital after suffering a heart attack.
The "Thriller" superstar's aides frantically called an ambulance to come to Jackson's Holmby Hills mansion in Los Angeles earlier today, according to TMZ.com. Reports suggest the singer's condition was so bad, medics were forced to administer CPR en-route to a nearby hospital — to keep him alive. Jackson's worried family members are allegedly rushing to his bedside. Earlier this month, family insider Arthur Phoenix told WENN the superstar was in a bad way and should not be considering a 50-concert run in London, scheduled to start in July. He insisted the concerts would not happen, stating, "Michael is not mentally, physically or spiritually ready for these shows. There's something missing in his soul... It's over! There are family members who feel the same way but they're afraid to speak." Phoenix fears the pressure of the comeback and the upcoming shows have taken their toll on the 50 year old.
